45.6008° N, 122.6519° W

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Portland Yacht Club members have several opportunities to participate in activities other than the standard events.


Watercrafters are a group of PYC women members, which meets every second and fourth Thursday morning, and usually followed by lunch. The participants share an interest in arts and crafts. The first gathering of the month does typically a member lead a planned crafting project. The second meeting is primarily focused on socializing, with many bringing items they are currently creating. Several members also participate in a “Show and Sell” event in the fall, which is an opportunity for any PYC artists and craftspeople to display and sell their work.

Mah Jongg

Come play Mah Jong 1st and 3rd Thursdays. The players use the National Mah Jong League playing card and all level of players is welcome including beginners. Following a game, the players often stay for lunch and socializing. The group’s focus is on fun!

Golf Group

The PYC Golf Group is a group of men and women golfers and their guests who play weekly on the local Portland Metro Municipal Golf Courses, usually from May and end in October.

The golfers normally play 9-holes and start around 10:AM each Wednesday.  Focus on playing for enjoyment and do not have any competitive events or use handicaps.

When the golfers are playing courses close the PYC facility they typically return to the clubhouse for lunch as a group afterwards.



Although the Bridge players don’t have a set schedule of games, and usually have impromptu games, any members interested in playing are encouraged to join in.